Hardening and carburizing
With-in our equipment range, we have different kinds of quenching media. As a result of this, it is possible to handle different materials, and ensure that quality is always good. We have new and high automation furnaces and equipment in use. Which means they are environmentally friendly.
Shot Peening
The purpose of Shot peening is to change steel surface stresses. Basically, shot peening is used to increase the fatigue strength and the lifetime of industrial Parts. An Example would be bearings, shafts, and spring products, where results are incredibly good. With our Large equipment it is even possible to handle 500kg products.
We have equipment to make different kinds of annealing processes.
Shot blasting
We have different blasting machines for different purposes. Mainly blasting is used to finalize Aesthetic surfaces of parts.
We have an existing Assembly area, some customers wish to use our services to put hardened and heat treated parts together to complete their Products. It saves them lot of money on logistic and so on. They also think about the environment! Please, ask if we can help you make your product easier, efficient, and more environmentally friends.
Big picture
We are part of an efficient manufacturing network. In same location as Heatmac Oy, we have a Steel supplier, Machining shop, heat treatment, Material laboratory. The Partnerships and Collaboration gives our customers a service rarely found and second to none. If your part is a high-volume product and you need heat treatment, don’t hesitate to make contact!
Product Quality
We monitor product quality using proven methods. We have modern, new furnaces and technologically advanced equipment. Where there are high level monitoring systems. Good, accurate measurement devices are located, in our own material laboratory. We have also our own high quality gas analyzing system to monitor and calibrate our furnaces. Product traceability are organized through the whole process. We maintain close cooperation and collaboration with the Local University. We assist with practical instruction in our Laboratory for Material Science students. Collaboration topics like Atmospheric testing, tensile, shear strength, NDT and part fatigue life cycle are ongoing or in the process of development.
Quality of operations
We believe the only way to improve quality is to measure and develop it continuously. We have created an efficient system to rigorously monitor all our Processes.
This system has been accredited by LRQA ISO9001:2015
At Heatmac we care and take our responsibility seriously for any by-Products Our company has during our Heat treatment programs. We use new, efficient, very well insulated equipment. Heat that comes from a by-product of our process, is used to heat our factory and excess goes directly to our neighbor company to heat their facility. Our emissions are kept to an absolute minimum using the newly installed efficient system we have.
Waste, even the slightest, we sort, recycle and all waste processed in the correct manner using authorized professional bodies in the correct Manner of the Law.
The fact remains that heat treated products like our high-quality treatment gives your parts, will increase the lifetime of your parts with added strength and resistant from both metal fatigue and oxidation, means less replaced parts, less materials used, less over all energy consumption and a cleaner greener World. Also, all heat-treated products at end of life are still recyclable.
Our environment system is accredited by LRQA ISO14001:2015